How to Make a Concrete Globe Garden Planter

DIY Concrete Globe Planter

Even a novice DIYer can create a garden planter with materials available at home improvement centers.

01 of 08

Globe Garden Planter

DIY Concrete Globe Planter

Reimagine the humble concrete garden sphere by flipping it over and transforming it into a planter full of ready-to-bloom spring bulbs.

In our photo, the globe at left (a 12-inch sphere) holds yellow dwarf tulips, 'Evergold' sedge and creeping phlox. The globe at right (a 16-inch sphere) contains 'Sango Kaku' japanese maple, woolly thyme and grape hyacinth.

To make this at home, you'll need a globe-shape glass light cover, cooking spray, bucket, quick-set concrete mix, a trowel, a plastic cup, a brick, safety gloves and goggles, and a hammer.

02 of 08

Step 1: Coat the Globe

Step 1: Coat the globe

After gathering supplies, coat the globe's interior with cooking spray to prevent concrete from sticking.

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Step 2: Prepare Concrete

Step 2: Prepare concrete

Prepare the concrete mix in the bucket according to the package's directions. The concrete mix is the right consistency when it resembles peanut butter.

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Step 3: Fill Globe

Step 3: Fill globe

Set the globe in dirt or sand to stabilize. Fill the globe three-quarters full with the concrete mix. After each scoop, gently swirl the mix with the trowel to remove air bubbles. (Don't lift and tap the globe-it could shatter.)

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Step 4: Insert Cup

Step 4: Insert cup

Coat the cup's exterior with cooking spray, then place it inside the globe, pushing it into the mix.

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Step 5: Set Concrete

Step 5: Set concrete

Gently weigh down the cup with the brick. Let it set for 24 hours.

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Step 6: Remove Glass and Cup

Step 6: Remove glass and cup

Wearing gloves and goggles, use the hammer to break the glass. Remove the cup. Spray the globe with water to remove any lingering glass shards.

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Step 7: Fill with Blooms

Flowers in concrete globe planter

The yellow dwarf tulips, 'Evergold' sedge and creeping phlox in the left globe contrast with the 'Sango Kaku' japanese maple, grape hyacinth and woolly thyme in the right globe. Both groups of plants do best in partial sun/shade. After spring bulbs finish blooming, gently pull them out. The other plants shown here will grow to fill the gap for the summer—or you can replace the bulbs to continue the color. Suggested swaps:

* Replace the bold yellow tulips with African daisies for fresh color throughout summer and fall.
* Swap the grape hyacinth with lobelia or bacopa to keep color alive.
* Use a small Japanese maple tree in a planter, then transplant it to the garden after the growing season. The tree's festive red bark is a striking landscape accent, especially in winter.

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