How to Organize A Kitchen Baking Nook

Making pie is a piece of cake with a nook that keeps essentials easy to see and grab.

Kitchen Organizers
Baking Nook. Photo: MARSHALL JOHNSON

1. JARRING DISPLAY Avoid dreaded mid-recipe store runs—jars let you eyeball dry-goods inventories from the get-go. Foodstuffs stay fresher (thanks to airtight lids) and look neater too. Choose jar sizes that maximize shelf heights and widths.

2. TRAY CHIC Protect cabinets by using a baking dish as a tray to catch any drips from sticky or oily containers. And let's call it an efficient Susan: A mini turntable helps you find spices or extracts fast.

3. COUNTER MEASURES We get it, counter space is precious, but it makes sense to store oft-used staples like flour and sugar right where all the action takes place. It's really handy when dusting your work surface before kneading and rolling dough.

4 WICKER IS QUICKER Stop stooping to play Jenga with the stack of pans and boards in your oven drawer or cabinet. A big basket holds cumbersome gear within easy reach.

Home Organizing

5. DIVIDE IN CONCERT Bet you a plastic spatula you've had (still have?) a drawer crammed with baking utensils. An organizer turns this mosh pit into an orchestra pit with a seat for every instrument. Leave perimeter space for longer items, like a roll of parchment.

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